Friday, September 6, 2013

Birthday Girl

Well, here I am. Twenty-two. And I certainly don't feel like singing a Taylor Swift song. Graduated with a degree in vocal performance and no ambitions to further myself in the opera world.

Saying that might disappoint a few people. It pains me to think some will be upset, or even angry with me because of this. I love listening to opera. I love singing opera. I love performing opera. But I choose not to. This isn't something I want anymore. I might miss it but happiness to me is holding a camera in my hand and getting that shot I was envisioning.

My most recent shoot proved this to me.

I don't claim huge abilities or awesome technical skills. I just follow a gut instinct that tells what is beautiful, interesting and sometimes a little scary. I feel a passion that is quickly claiming my everyday life. I want to photograph so many people and so many places. World travel looms ahead with distinct possibility. So today is something bigger than a birthday for me. It's an adventure and I can't wait to get started. After I catch up on episodes of Project Runway that is...

I'm not burning bridges here, so don't bring your bucket brigade. With this decision comes another of making healthier choices. I can't say I will be dedicated to the gym or anything too insane. But I want to be physically fit enough to scale any mountain to get that picture. So here goes nothing, or maybe everything. Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. Agnes I want you to know, I love you and love that you are following your passion. <3
